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World Autism Awareness Day – April 2

Posted on March 12th, 2012 by Tracey

Love - Autism Awareness

just working on my own mini campaign for Autism Awareness 🙂

World Autism Awareness Day is on April 2 this year, they’re running the Light It Up Blue campaign (website to go live March 19, though I don’t know why a splash page couldn’t go up right now…) so I’m going to do my part is spreading awareness and maybe fundraise a little bit at the same time

my webpage has been updated, and if you’re interested in buying a print of my artwork for autism awareness, please let me know

a new logo for 2012 🙂

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Take a deep breath…

Posted on February 22nd, 2012 by Tracey

Monday afternoon, just after finishing some emails and ready to start on a new design project – my laptop crashes. And I mean completely crashes, a billion alerts and everything is gone.

All my design files, fonts, blog work, bookmarks, user names & passwords some of Jovie’s documents, all my iPhone photo backups, 3 YEARS of photos from my Canon — all disappeared within a few seconds. The last few years of my life and work have been erased from reach.

Thankfully, I’ve developed a thick skin when it comes to things like this. The last few months have taught my patience and value – and while yes, all those files would be awesome to have, if I never get them back then life will go on.

I’m very happy that I’ve become such an Instagram addict, as alot of my photos are online out there on the interwebs.

I’m also grateful that I kept a spare (cheap) laptop, and that I have a good memory when it comes to fonts I love and websites I always visit.

It’s taken me half a day to get back up to speed on current projects, but starting on a clean slate feels good! There’s room to breathe and a blank canvas to personalise. But the first chance I get today, I’m heading out to get a portable external hard drive and backing everything up. Twice.

new australian baby blog

Posted on June 1st, 2011 by Tracey

i’ve been meaning to redesign the australian baby blog for a while now – it was just looking too ‘old’ for me, so today’s refresh is a really nice change!

it’s wpshower’s sight theme (free!) with a few changes here and there. god bless free wordpress themes!

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