define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); » 35



It’s been a huge year. One of the best, though.

I remember last year, where I felt a bit beaten down (health and mental health wise) but I decided I had enough and just started to do a few things – cut out gluten and yeast again (last time was for a few years before I fell pregnant with Jasper), cut out the refined sugars, stop eating so much processed foods, talk to a fantastic psychologist. I drink warm water with fresh lemon & ginger first thing every morning. I still eat as much chocolate as I can handle. I started studying to be a wellness coach, and I’m almost done and loving it. I’m a big believer in every day mindfulness.

I think after having gone through so much in the last 5 years, then not dealing with it properly and just learning along the way, and then actually settling in and addressing my personal issues with anxiety and panic attacks and boredom and being a carer and trying to find out who I am inbetween all of this stuff — I think I’ve come out a bit stronger and I like it.

I’m not perfect, life’s not perfect. But who wants perfect? You don’t get everything handed to you on a silver platter. You’re given what you’re given, and it’s your attitude towards it can either add or subtract to your experience.

So 35 feels good, and I hope that the road to 36 is just as positive and adventurous.

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